GASCK Examination CellĀ
Examination cell is entrusted with the conduct of university end semester examinations. The chief exam superintendent is the in charge of exam cell. He is assisted by the assistant exam superintendent and office staff. The responsibilities of exam cell include arrangement of exam halls, conduct of examinations both for regular college students and the distance education students assigned from university, communication with University, assigning and instructing invigilation duties, filing of malpractices, packing and despatch of answer books. Exam cell also provides support for the University practical examinations held in the college by providing exam sheets and other official formats.
There is a separate room allotted for the exam cell, to maintain the confidentiality of the exams. The exam cell is equipped with sufficient number of computers, printers and xerox machines along with other facilities. Exam cell complies with the exam reforms initiated by Calicut University to which the college is affiliated. These include the introduction of online mode of distribution of question papers and barcoding system of answer papers which have been recently launched.
Chief Superintendent of Examinations
Dr Vijayan KTV
(HOD and Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology)
Additional Chief Superintendent
Dr. Chribuna Viswas
(Associate Professor, Department of English)